Who Shall Live, Who Shall Die—and Why: Stories Behind Unnecessary Deaths From Violence and Disease in the U.S.

Does your zip code or skin color make a difference in the cause of death on your death certificate? What other factors might play a role in your risk of death—by a gun, a virus or a cancer? Why certain groups in the United States are at much higher risk of death from suicide, homicide, cancer and AIDS, even when they know about their increased vulnerability.
• Mary Anne Foo, MPH, Excecutive Director, Orange County Asian and Pacific Island Community Alliance
• Tina Henderson, PhD, Researcher, Eban project for HIV/AIDS, UCLA School of Medicine
• Reverend Ferroll Robins, Executive Director, Loved Ones
• Gilbert Salinas, Director, Youth Alive: Teens on Target
• David Hemenway, PhD, Professor of Health Policy at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Director of both the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center
• Moderator: Geoffrey Cowan, Dean, USC Annenberg School for Communication